SILOSOLVE® AS 200 delivers all that you need from a good silage inoculant – fast and controlled fermentation, and aerobic stability after opening to mitigate risk of secondary fermentation. All this combined supports the good nutritional value of your silage, especially when risk of undesired microbial activity is at stake. 


Aerobic challenge during feed out

When silage is exposed to air, typically during feed out, spontaneous heating of the silage can occur. Yeast and mold are fungi that grow well in the presence of oxygen and they produce heat as they grow. Nutrients are lost and palatability of feed is reduced. The outcome – besides nutrient loss – may be reduced feed intake and subsequent reduced milk production. Some crops, such as corn, are more susceptible to this process than others.


SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improves aerobic stability

SILOSOLVE® AS 200 is specifically designed to address silage aerobic stability after silage opening. It contains two fast growing and competitive lactic acid bacteria and a unique strain of Lactobacillus buchneri. This specific bacterial strain combination improves fermentation and inhibits growth of yeast and mold, resulting in improved aerobic stability at feed out – six days in maize silages and three days in difficult-to-ensile grass and legume silages.


Figure 1: SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improves aerobic stability

* p<0.05 significantly different from untreated. Aerobic stability test stopped after 7, 10 or 30 days.


SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improves fermentation 

The fast starter and strong finisher lactic acid bacteria in SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improve silage quality. In high value crops, like alfalfa and grass/legume mixes, SILOSOLVE® AS 200 reduces ammonia up to 36% and ethanol up to 50%. In easy-to-ensile crops, SILOSOLVE® AS 200 reduces ammonia up to 18% and ethanol up to 33%.


Figure 2: SILOSOLVE® AS 200 reduces ammonia

* p<0.05 significantly different from untreated


Figure 3: SILOSOLVE® AS 200 reduces ethanol

* p<0.05 significantly different from untreated

SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improves dry matter recovery

SILOSOLVE® AS 200 inhibits yeast and mold, reduces the breakdown of nutrients and ensures higher dry matter recovery compared to untreated silages. Dry matter recovery across crops was improved. In the more difficult-to-ensile grass and legume silages, dry matter recovery was improved 4% points.


Figure 4: SILOSOLVE® AS 200 improves DM recovery

* p<0.05 significantly different from untreated

 Specific trial data available upon request.



What’s inside SILOSOLVE® AS 200?

SILOSOLVE® AS 200 has two well-proven lactic acid bacteria that drive fermentation coupled with our highly researched L. buchneri LB1819 for optimal production of acetic acid. Targeted crops for SILOSOLVE® AS 200 include those with high sugar and low protein, ensiled at high dry matter (low moisture) or prone to heating at feed out.


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