Thomas Schäfer to step down as EVP & CSO

Thomas Schäfer to step down as EVP & CSO
Press Release | mars 24. 2022 07:41 GMT

Thomas Schäfer Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, and member of the Executive Board will step down as EVP and CSO of Chr. Hansen Holding A/S effective March 31, 2022. Thomas Schäfer has been with the company since November 2017.

Since Thomas started in Chr. Hansen four and a half years ago, he has brought significant scientific knowledge to the company and strengthened the way Chr. Hansen approaches science. We continue to move forward with our strong science platform and our journey of a customer centric and agile innovation organization.

As of April 1, 2022, Henrik Joerck Nielsen, currently Senior Vice President Animal Health, will be promoted to Chief Scientific Officer. Henrik has a Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark and National Institute of Health in Maryland. He did his post-doctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute in the US (2006-2008). After being with McKinsey six years, he joined Chr. Hansen in 2014. Henrik brings a strong science and commercial experience to his new role.

Thomas Schäfer will continue as Chief Science Advisor to CEO Mauricio Graber, as well as continue as member of the Board of Directors in Bacthera AG (Chr. Hansen’s Joint Venture with Lonza AG) and the BioInnovation Institute.”

Mauricio Graber, CEO of Chr. Hansen, said: “I would like to thank Thomas for his contribution to Chr. Hansen and I look forward to continuing working with Thomas in his new role as Chief Science Advisor. At the same time, I would like to congratulate Henrik on his new position as Chief Scientific Officer, as we embark on the next journey as a bioscience-based company.”

Following the change, the Executive Board will consist of CEO Mauricio Graber and CFO Lise Mortensen. The Executive Board is appointed by the Board of Directors and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company within the guidelines and directions given by the Board of Directors.

For further information please contact:

Anders Mohr Christensen, Vice President Group Strategy & Investor Relations, Tel: +45 2515 2364

Annika Stern, Senior Investor Relations Manager, Tel: +45 2399 2382

Sanne Seyer-Hansen, Head of Media Relations, Tel: +45 6038 6207

Chr. Hansen est une entreprise internationale spécialisée dans la bioscience qui se démarque et met au point des solutions naturelles pour les secteurs alimentaire, nutritionnel, pharmaceutique et agricole. Chez Chr. Hansen, nous bénéficions d’une position unique pour stimuler un changement positif au travers de nos solutions microbiennes. Depuis près de 150 ans, nous travaillons en faveur d’une agriculture durable, d'une meilleure alimentation et d’un mode de vie plus sain pour une part croissante de la population mondiale. Nos plateformes technologiques de solutions microbiennes et de fermentation, qui incluent notre vaste collection d’environ 50 000 souches microbiennes importantes, ont le pouvoir de changer la donne. En répondant aux besoins des consommateurs et aux tendances mondiales, nous libérons le potentiel des bonnes bactéries et relevons les défis planétaires du gaspillage alimentaire, de la santé mondiale et de la surconsommation d’antibiotiques et de pesticides. À titre d’entreprise de fabrication d’ingrédients alimentaires la plus durable au monde, nous intervenons quotidiennement dans la vie de plus d’un milliard de personnes. Motivés par notre tradition d’innovation et notre curiosité de pionniers de la science, notre objectif qui consiste à « cultiver un monde meilleur, naturellement » est au cœur de chacune de nos actions.
